Ready to Leave Corporate Life Behind? Discover How to Turn Your Years of Experience into a Profitable Business in Just 90 Days!

2024 is Your Year!

Break Free from the Corporate Grind and Start a Business

That Leverages Your Expertise and Experience.

Watch the video to learn how...

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Greetings from Virtual Incubator Chief Coach, Jeff Williams

After years in the corporate world, many professionals feel trapped and unfulfilled. You’re tired of the long hours, office politics, and feeling like your talents are undervalued. But here’s the good news: 2024 is the perfect time to break free. With the right guidance, you can turn your experience into a thriving business

Over the past 20 years, I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you—experienced professionals over 50—make a successful transition from corporate life to entrepreneurship. My Virtual Incubator Program is designed to help you build a business from the ground up, leveraging your skills and knowledge without the overwhelm.

Let me share the story of one of my clients:

Ken Proskie was an award-winning corporate health and safety director when he was unexpectedly fired at age 59 from his job at a multi-billion-dollar packaging manufacturer.

Ken had been downsized once before earlier in his career, and after this latest job loss he was ready to leave corporate life behind.

I met Ken at a presentation I gave at an outplacement company, at which time he shared his strong interest in starting his own consulting firm. I told him about our Virtual Incubator business startup program.

Ken quickly signed up and in just three months we had his new consulting business, Compass Health and Safety, fully planned and launched.

Within the first two years of operation Ken built his consulting practice to an annual revenue in excess of $200,000.

The Virtual Incubator isn’t just another course.

It’s a hands-on coaching program where we work with you one-on-one to develop a clear business plan, craft your marketing strategy, and guide you through every step until you’re ready to launch.

If you’re serious about making this change in 2024, I want to invite you to apply for a free strategy session with me. We’ll talk about your goals, identify your strengths, and map out your path to business success. But spots are limited, so apply today!

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*DISCLAIMER: The sales figures presented within this funnel represent individual sales and marketing outcomes. These figures are not typical, and we do not suggest that you will replicate them. Our advantage stems from over 6+ years experience, resulting in an established following. The average individual who simply purchases a "how-to" program may not effectively implement the teachings, and thus, we cannot guarantee specific results. These references are used solely for illustrative purposes. Sales figures will inevitably vary, influenced by numerous factors such as background, experience, and work ethic. Engaging in any business endeavor entails risk, requiring substantial and consistent effort and action. If you are unwilling to acknowledge these factors, this opportunity may not be suitable for you.

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